In the 3rd installment, we introduce to you the H3X series of Creators.
Our 3rd version and our best yet! We’ve used our experience, as well as engineering from the top fluid dynamics experts, 3D modeling, flow analysis, and real world testing to give you the greatest wake shaper ever created.
The Slim H3X and Slim H3X Plus take customization to the next level, allowing you to personalize your wave to your preference and get the best results
The SWELL Wakesurf Creator™ H3X family of wave shapers dramatically increases wake size by controlling how the water moves around your boat, giving you total control of your wave, allowing you to load your ballast and people evenly throughout the boat, switch surfing sides in a few seconds, and overall makes your surf experience much more enjoyable. The H3X line of wake shapers is guaranteed to give you the best wave!
Simply attach your SWELL Wakesurf Creator™ Slim H3X by pressing the suction cups firmly against the hull of the boat and flip the locking levers. Install on the opposite side of the surfer, 2”-4” below the water line when the boat is fully loaded. Easily switch sides by releasing the levers and installing on the other side.


Starboard and Port side twists, changing the angle of attack of the wake shaper to give you a stronger attack angle on the water.
Hexagonal dimples like a golf ball move the water quicker across the face for a better wave.
The adjustable angle in combination with the HEX pattern reduce the turbulence in the wave, which makes the wave denser, with less air, and more push!
This allows you to completely dial in your wave with ultimate adjustability.


Dial in your wave with Ultimate Adjustability. The H3X Plus has a 9-Position wave face to ensure the best wave no matter the riders preferences, prop rotation, boat size, or shape!
Two Designs To Choose From
Compare Our Creators To Find The Right One For You
Compare Our Creators To Find The Right One For You

If you are unhappy for any reason send your Swell Wakesurf Creator back within 30 days and we will refund your money no questions asked!